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Inside the C++ Object Model. Stanley B. Lippman
ISBN: 0201834545,9780201834543 | 182 pages | 5 Mb

Inside the C++ Object Model Stanley B. Lippman
Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional
ǜ完这本书的感觉就是,用C++编程,其实应该说是面向编译器编程。为了实现OO的思想,C++编译器在程序员背后做了太多的事情。 1)为了和C兼容,class的内存布局设计成和struct一样;. C++支持如下三种programming paradigms(程序设计典范): 1. Only the indirect manipulation of the object through a pointer or reference supports the polymorphism necessary for )) programming. C++ supports three flavors of member functions: static, nonstatic, and virtual. - Knowledge about Windows internals, like APIs, message flow, etc. - Ability to read disassembled code. Inside the C++ Object Model is aimed at those developers who routinely use C++ but feel the discomfort of not really knowing the underlying weight of many common operations they perform or constructs they peruse. In C++, polymorphism exists only within individual public class hierarchies. The C++ object model project was originally called "the simplifier" by Stroustrup, but Lippman renamed it "C++ object model" so he would be able to sell his book, "Inside the C++ Object Model," to Addison-Wesley. ǜ过《Inside The C++ Object Model》,在C++继承环节,存在一个virtual table的指针,它指向继承的父类。 但是在不同的编译器下面的,对于此环节的实现,也不相同。 下面对比GCC和MicroSoft编译器:. Inside the c++ object model (4). One excellent C++ book not mentioned in your list is "Inside C++ Object Model" by Stan Lippman. Be sure to learn how to program in C++ using Object Oriented Programming. The procedural model as programmed in C, and, of course, supported within C++. Learning C++ you'll learn C, too.